Restoring a Steel Outdoor Table

Some years ago my mother found on the side of the road a small steel patio table, rusted, with original black paint in desperate condition. She brought it to my house, thinking that someday I might want to do something with it. Someday was last weekend.

First I stripped the paint and rust using an angle grinder with a combination of wire wheel and composite stripping disc; the flat surfaces remained slightly pitted but I was satisfied it was good enough for outdoor furniture.

Then I sprayed it with Rust-Oleum Professional primer and their Green Citrus “Universal” paint. I chose this color by conducting an online poll of my friends, then throwing away the results when confronted by the limited number of colors available off-the-shelf in rattle-can enamel.

It's on the front patio at the moment but hopefully will find a place in my still-to-be-revitalized backyard very soon.